
If you would like to discuss making a booking and the current options then please contact Kerry on 021794333 or email

I am here to help.



I had a sore shoulder, elbow and arm for a number of months. I eventually saw a chiropractor who manipulated me along with using acupuncture. After around six weeks I was still not getting any relief and stopped treatment.

My doctor suggested that my elbow was ‘tennis elbow’ and suggested limiting use. He had no answer for my other aches and pains. Then I remembered that a business associate who had a similar ongoing shoulder issue had seen someone who they thought worked miracles. I asked them for details and days later was in seeing Kerry.

Initially I thought that Kerry’s treatment was kind of strange. I couldn’t believe that something so gentle could actually be helping, but after the very first treatment I did notice a positive change. I kept seeing Kerry for a number of weeks and before long my shoulder, elbow and arm were back to normal.

I can’t thank Kerry enough for his help, nor can I recommend him enough to others that may feel let down by conventional medicine.

Thank you Kerry!

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Keywords: Kerry Castell-Spence, Qigong Master, Myofascial release, Ligament release, Joint treatment, Muscle, Tendon, Tuina, Cupping, Acupuncture, Qigong Classes, Medical Qigong, ACC treatment provider, Acupuncture New Zealand, Somatic Restoration, pain, release, liberation, insight, emotional freedom, somatic psychology, cellular memory release, bodywork, External qi therapy, Qigong treatment, Reiki, let go, move on, injury, VISCERAL MANIPULATION, CRANIAL