Conditions Treated

Medical Qigong and Manual Therapy (hands on body work) can be used to assist in many conditions and can be useful for the following and others:

Aches and pains

Physical Strains and sprains Muscles/Ligaments/connective tissue

Neck pain

Lower back and pelvic pain

Joint pain sprains and injuries.

Knee pain

Wrist and hand pain

Shoulder pain and Rotator cuff injuries

Hip pain

Ankle pain

Acid reflux

Digestive problems



RSI/OOS overuse conditions

Whiplash/Car crash injuries



Sports injuries

Work related injuries

If you have any questions as to whether Kerry can help please contact him.


In the 20+ years after a rotator cuff injury, I’d pretty much resigned myself to a shoulder that was weak, atrophied and gave me times of significant pain especially when bumped or while sleeping.  My only wish was less pain. Then I got Frozen Shoulder and I went to see an Orthopaedic surgeon who recommended steroid injections, and to the ultrasound where the tech said to get ready for surgery.  Instead, luckily, I found Kerry.   I went to a couple months of treatments.  Now over 9 months later my shoulder hasn’t been better.  I am kayaking, going to yoga, and my shoulder muscles have returned.  To say I’m thrilled is an understatement.   Kerry is professional, knowledgeable and treats the entire body not just the specific symptom.  I highly recommend him.

Technical Consultant


Keywords: Kerry Castell-Spence, Qigong Master, Myofascial release, Ligament release, Joint treatment, Muscle, Tendon, Tuina, Cupping, Acupuncture, Qigong Classes, Medical Qigong, ACC treatment provider, Acupuncture New Zealand, Somatic Restoration, pain, release, liberation, insight, emotional freedom, somatic psychology, cellular memory release, bodywork, External qi therapy, Qigong treatment, Reiki, let go, move on, injury, VISCERAL MANIPULATION, CRANIAL, AUCKLAND, MILFORD

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