Kerry Castell-Spence

Kerry has a passion for Service, Medical Qigong, and Manual Therapy.

Kerry trained at the New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he was on the teaching staff from 2006-2016 (11 years teaching different roles including first-year Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, clinic supervision, point location, Qigong diploma ), and with Osteopaths over his years of clinical experience beginning in 2006. He graduated with a Bachelor of Acupuncture and Diplomas in Qigong and Tuina (Chinese Osteopathy). Kerry currently teaches Qigong and movement practices in regular classes, workshops, and private classes.

Keywords: Kerry Castell-Spence, Qigong Master, Myofascial release, Ligament release, Joint treatment, Muscle, Tendon, Tuina, Cupping, Acupuncture, Qigong Classes, Medical Qigong, ACC treatment provider, Acupuncture New Zealand, Somatic Restoration, pain, release, liberation, insight, emotional freedom, somatic psychology, cellular memory release, bodywork, External qi therapy, Qigong treatment, Reiki, let go, move on, injury, VISCERAL MANIPULATION, CRANIAL, AUCKLAND, MILFORD

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